In Nyandarua, a heartbreaking incident unfolded as a 25-year-old man, Peter Njunge allegedly took his father’s life in a violent altercation. The tragedy occurred following a heated argument between the two.
Peter Njunge used a kitchen knife to end the life of his father, Ngugi Waweru, before turning his aggression towards his younger brother, who rushed to the scene upon hearing his father’s cries for help.
Alert neighbors, who bore witness to the horrifying events, swiftly notified the local police. The crime scene was identified as a locked house, presenting a challenging situation for law enforcement. Peter Njunge reportedly barricaded himself inside the residence, menacingly threatening anyone who dared to enter.
Breaking into the house proved to be a formidable task, taking nearly two hours to achieve. Eventually, the police and concerned citizens resorted to removing a section of the roof to access the victims and apprehend the suspect.
Tragically, Ngugi Waweru, the father, displayed severe wounds to his neck and chest, succumbing to his injuries. Meanwhile, his younger brother, Ngugi, was rushed to the hospital, where he currently fights for his life after sustaining multiple injuries.
The suspect, Peter Njunge, was found with his clothes drenched in blood, a grim testament to the brutality of the attack.
One neighbor, Mr. Robert Mwenje, recounted, “I heard distress calls coming from the house and hurried to investigate. However, the house was locked from the inside. The younger brother was moaning in pain before falling silent.”
Family members shed light on a history of conflicts between Peter and his father, typically revolving around minor disputes, with land distribution and financial matters frequently at the center. The suspect, a 25-year-old, was further described as a drug addict.
A disconcerting aspect of the situation was the assertion by some residents that the family had a tendency to shield the errant son whenever he found himself embroiled in altercations or legal troubles within the village.
Omar Arero, the Nyandarua County police boss, expressed regret over the fact that the suspect, Peter Njunge, had previously been apprehended and brought to court on multiple occasions, only to have his father pay his fines and secure his release. Alarmingly, the father himself had been a victim of his son’s criminal activities and thefts.
The ongoing investigation is expected to culminate in a murder charge against the suspect, Peter Njunge, highlighting the tragic outcome of a long-standing family conflict.
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