In a heart-wrenching turn of events, a 45-year-old man met his untimely demise while attempting to traverse a flooded swamp in Kiamaciri village, Mutithi ward, Mwea West Sub-county, Kirinyaga County.
As recounted by local resident Samuel Gichuki, the victim, John Ndambiri, was caught in the treacherous currents of the swollen swamp, ultimately succumbing to drowning.
The news of Ndambiri’s tragic passing reverberated through the village, leaving the community in shock, particularly since Ndambiri had successfully crossed the swamp on previous occasions. Gichuki expressed disbelief, noting that Ndambiri had traversed the swamp just recently but encountered peril during this ill-fated attempt.
Facing formidable obstacles, the villagers rallied together last night in a valiant effort to retrieve Ndambiri’s body from the inundated swamp.
Peter Wanjohi recounted the daunting task of grappling with the consequences of heavy rainfall, which inundated both swamps in the vicinity. Despite the challenges, the community managed to recover Ndambiri’s remains and subsequently transferred them to Kibugi Funeral Home.
The relentless downpour in Kirinyaga County has wrought havoc, displacing numerous families in Mwea constituency, with some compelled to flee their residences for safety.
Mwea West District County Commissioner (DCC) Lawrence Omondi underscored the severity of the situation, issuing a stern advisory for residents to seek refuge in safer locales and refrain from venturing into hazardous areas such as flooded swamps.
He further highlighted another tragic incident involving a 62-year-old woman who lost her life in Gakungu village, Thiba ward, as a result of the adverse weather conditions, underscoring the urgent need for vigilance and precaution amidst the inclement weather.
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